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patient experience consultant

Our Story

A person's purpose is found far within, like water in a deep well; someone with insight can draw it out.

{how it started}

LD Consulting was born to help companies create cultures their teams and patients will love. As former Chief Experience Officer for a large healthcare organization, I found we could build, implement, train, and measure solid patient experience programs, but couldn’t make people “want to” deliver those experiences genuinely.


Patient experience should not be an initiative, it should be a culture. We can’t ask teams to deliver excellent patient experiences if they are not receiving excellent experiences from the organization. Helping teams find their strengths, their purpose, and their love for what they do is essential for team and patient retention.


Once we capture the “want to,” delivering personalized patient experiences comes very naturally. Patient experience goes from being an initiative to being the heart and soul of the healthcare organization. The differentiator is not in the patient experience program, it’s the people delivering it.

We believe that every person is extraordinary and believe leading people on the journey to discover this purpose and the path to achieve it has no greater satisfaction. When people and teams are rooted and connected, they drown out the noise and focus on what really drives the bottom line. The best and most innovative work takes place when people enjoy it.

LD Consulting is a different kind of business. We are creating a new category. We are an EXPERIENCE company. Your best return on investment will always be investing in team and patient experiences.
Work has so much more potential than simply a paycheck. 

Work with purpose. Enjoy work. Live with integrity. Lead well. 

{core values}

**what drives us/what we base our decisions on/our compass/what we believe

Work with Purpose


What  we do with our time has the potential to outlive and outlast us—our contribution is bigger than we are, and in the end, we desire our investment to be in what matters most...the people around us and how we leave them. Success is winning, significance is helping others win. What would it matter to gain the whole world, but lose our soul in the process? 

Enjoy Work


A hope mindset that things can and will get better is essential—it isn’t a denial of reality—it simply inspires hope in the middle of any reality. You may not be able to control your environment, but you can control how you respond to it.  


Live with Integrity

We do everything with integrity. We communicate honestly, believing the best in everyone. Teaching leaders this skill helps them build genuine trust and lead well.


Truth without grace is mean. Grace without truth is meaningless. 


Lead Well


Each person has a unique purpose and adds value to the collective. Everyone belongs. We value people for who they are, not just what they can produce. Care for the person first, then the person will care.

nursing recruitment and retention strategies

Ready to Begin?

how to reduce employee turnover in healthcare
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